MLA/DLACon2024 has ended
avatar for Nancy Patterson

Nancy Patterson

Region 1
Outreach Librarian
Baltimore, MD
With NNLM since 2009, I've served in many capacities from community outreach to membership growth and membership database record management for Region 1 via CiviCRM. I work closely with our funded projects and am taking on more of the procedural, "red-tape" aspects moving into the upcoming third funding cycle. Of all that we do, I'm most proud of the impact our funded projects have on communities - increasing health literacy and better health outcomes and bonding community members in a shared cause.
Wednesday, May 8

3:00pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

5:45pm EDT

Thursday, May 9

7:00am EDT

8:30am EDT

9:45am EDT

11:00am EDT

12:00pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

4:15pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Friday, May 10

9:30am EDT

10:45am EDT

12:00pm EDT